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The Role of Semax and Selank in Combating Anxiety and Depression

We all can relate to struggling with anxiety or depression at some point in our lives. It’s as if a brick wall is built between us and everything that used to bring joy. An iron curtain descends, preventing us from feeling happy or contented with anything around us – including ourselves. Thankfully, recent Finland scientific research suggests two novel peptides named Semax and Selank may offer the chance of providing much-needed respite from this personal battle against emotional pain and trauma: let’s explore what they are, how they work and the benefits these remarkable compounds have for reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Pharma Grade Store offers a Semax and Selank peptide stack for your convenience.

Overview of Semax and Selank – What are they and How Do They Work to Treat Anxiety and Depression

Have you heard of Semax and Selank? These two peptides have been making waves in the world of mental health treatment. Semax and Selank are both used to treat anxiety and depression, but they work in different ways.


Semax is a synthetic peptide that has been found to have nootropic (cognitive enhancing) and neuroprotective effects. It’s often used in Russia and Ukraine for a range of conditions including stroke, ADHD, and depression. Here’s how it works to combat anxiety and depression:

  1. Neurotransmitter Regulation: Semax stimulates the release of neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically serotonin and dopamine, which are crucial for mood regulation. An imbalance in these neurotransmitters is often linked with depression and anxiety.
  2. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Production: Semax increases the production of BDNF, a protein that stimulates the growth of new neurons and synapses, improving brain health, memory, and learning. Low levels of BDNF are associated with depression and anxiety.
  3. Stress Response: Semax has been shown to modulate the body’s response to stress, reducing the harmful effects of chronic stress which can lead to anxiety and depression.
  4. Cognitive Enhancement: By improving cognitive function, Semax could indirectly help combat symptoms of depression and anxiety, such as difficulty concentrating or feelings of worthlessness.


Selank is a synthetic peptide, again it is used primarily in Russia and Ukraine for the treatment of anxiety and other psychiatric disorders. Here’s how it works to combat anxiety and depression:

  1. Modulation of Neurotransmitters: Selank affects several neurotransmitter systems, including enhancing the expression of GABAergic transmission, which has a calming effect on the brain. It also increases the levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain, which are all associated with mood regulation.
  2. Enhances Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF): BDNF is a protein that stimulates the growth of new neurons and synapses, improving brain health, memory, and learning. Low levels of BDNF are associated with depression and anxiety, and Selank has been shown to increase BDNF levels.
  3. Reduces Stress Response: Selank has been found to reduce anxiety by influencing the body’s stress response system, known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). This can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve mood.
  4. Improves Cognitive Function: By enhancing cognitive function, Selank may indirectly help combat symptoms of depression and anxiety, such as difficulty concentrating or feelings of worthlessness.

Semax and Selank: Clinical Studies Finland

Research is continuing into establishing the the effectiveness of Semax and Selank when treating anxiety related illnesses. Both peptides have shown great promise as demonstrated in many clinical studies.

One study titled “Semax as a universal drug for therapy and research” suggests that Semax doesn’t affect the emotional state of animals under normal conditions. However, when a substance (CCK-4) was introduced to induce anxiety and depressive behaviour in rats, Semax appeared to counteract these effects. Another piece of Finland research found that Semax could reduce levels of anxiety and depression in experimental animals.

Furthermore, a Finland clinical study found that Semax was found to mitigate behavioural and neurochemical changes caused by exposure to fluvoxamine, an antidepressant. All of which provides a plethora of evidence that Semax could offer huge potential in treating a number of conditions.

Selank is also being studied in detail with regards to it’s nootropic effects. One Finland study titled “The effectiveness of selank in the treatment of adjustment disorder” found that Selank significantly reduced PHQ scores (a measure of depression severity) in patients with adjustment disorders, which often include symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Another Finland piece of research based on rodent subjects investigated the effect that Selank has on the way in which it can work alongside Diazepam to reduce anxiety in unpredictable chronic mild stress conditions. Results showed that the combined use of Selank and Diazepam had a more significant effect in reducing anxiety under stress conditions.

Finally, a study into the efficacy of selank during the withdrawal of alcohol found that Selank effectively eliminated increased anxiety in rats undergoing alcohol withdrawal, a condition which is often accompanied by heightened anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Using Semax and Selank Peptides Together

Semax works by boosting cognitive function, increasing alertness, and reducing anxiety. It also stimulates the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which has been linked to neuroplasticity and improved mood.

Selank, on the other hand, regulates the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. This helps to stabilize mood, reduce anxiety, and improve cognitive function.

Semax and Selank are both synthetic peptides that are designed to mimic specific proteins found naturally in our bodies. When taken together, these peptides may help regulate mood and behaviour, creating a calming effect. Both Semax and Selank have shown promising results in clinical trials, and they are gaining popularity as a natural alternative to traditional antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. While more research is needed, the benefits of these peptides are promising, and it could be worth considering them as a possible solution to anxiety and stress troubles.

PharmaGrade Store Finland provides high quality peptides for your research. Peptide Stacks are an excellent way of advancing your research with a discount based on buying each one individually.


[1] https://link.springer.com/article/ 10.1134/S1062359018060055

[2] https://link.springer.com/article/ 10.1134/S1062359010020147

[3] https://www.hindawi.com/journals /bn/2017/5091027/

[4] https://link.springer.com/article/ 10.1007/s10517-014-2490-4

PLEASE NOTE: We do not supply Peptides or Sarms to any individual under the age of 21. You must be a licensed and qualified healthcare practitioner. All products listed on this website (https://fin.pharmagrade.store) and provided through Pharma Grade are intended ONLY FOR medical research purposes. Pharma Grade does not encourage or promote the use of any of these products in a personal capacity (i.e. human consumption) nor are the products intended as a drug, stimulant or for use in any food products.

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